With the exception of my first 10 years of life, this is a question that I have pondered every decade of my life thus far. When I was 13, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. Treatment was …
How does caring for the spirit influence emotional healing from cancer?
In the past two blog posts, we've looked at how caring for the body and the mind can influence emotional healing. This post will look at the spirit. In this case, spirit is how you personally choose …
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Keeping the sparks of connection going
A couple of weeks ago, I had the tremendous opportunity to facilitate two experiential workshops at Living Beyond Breast Cancer's annual metastatic conference. It was a weekend of immersion with a …
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Finding your jump off point
This week's blog may seem to contradict last week's blog about the art of toe dipping, as perhaps your definition of jumping off likely means into water that is deep enough to allow it. In this …
Reminder: put your nipples on
In just a few short days, my family and I will be flying to Spain, to see my husband's family. As you might imagine, we are in the midst of the final push for getting ready- which means lots and lots …
When the waves of grief come…
As we have identified, no one goes through cancer unscathed. Recently, this has been coming up in a number of different ways- personally, it is seeing the lingering impact on my youngest son who was 5 …