Last October I gave a talk called “A breast cancer story told through art”, in which I discussed the how and why art can be used to heal emotionally following cancer. I interwove the art work and writing that I had done from my cancer treatment experience to illustrate the theory in action, hoping that it would inspire others to find their own unique creative voice for healing.
I have been re-listening to the talk in preparation for a presentation I am doing. Giving the talk was one of the highlights of my life, to be able to tell the story and share how art has helped me to heal, was such an honor. You will find below a photograph of my breast casts, that show the treatment experience, and a link to the audio recording. Please enjoy!
Above- the casts, Below- the link to the audio recording
The wound is the place where the light enters you
– Stephanie McLeod-Estevez, LCPC, is an art therapist and breast cancer survivor, who works as an oncology counselor at the Dempsey Center. She began Creative Transformations to help others who are healing from a life threatening illness or injury. Through Creative Transformations, Stephanie works with people in person and online to offer cancer coaching, a DIY Individual Art Therapy program to enhance any healing work you are undertaking; workshops; and this weekly blog. Sign up today so you never miss one by visiting our website, Creative Transformations, where you will also find the links to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
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