My favorite aspect of the work I do, is the intrinsic bond that we have with one another because of a cancer diagnosis. The beautiful thing about the internet, is it has the capacity to create …
Creativity and CHEMO
The first time you walk into the treatment room is a poignant moment. You're crossing the barrier between the life as you knew it and entering into a world that people fear. You're scared, uncertain …
What is the magic that I teach? ESP (and no, it’s not the psychic kind)
I have been working on this project, something that I hope to announce to you in the nearish future. I mention it now, because that work keeps me reflecting upon why what I do has such an impact for …
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Deep in the feels of the feely feels
Yes- I am feeling both silly and sad, reflective and energized, and deep in the feels of the feely feels. I like to call this type of time an emotionally dense moment- for the feelings I am feeling …
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The Cancer Family Tree
In May, I had the chance to work on an art piece that explores both my immediate family cancer history and the sisterhood/brotherhood that is formed between all cancer warriors. This interconnection …
Chilling with your cells thru art and meditation
When I was diagnosed with cancer, someone recommended the book, The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton, PhD, a stem cell biologist who writes about the connection between science and spirit. The …
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